Philosophy of Blockchain Technology – Ontologies

About the necessity and usefulness of developing a philosophy specific to the blockchain technology, emphasizing on the ontological aspects. After an Introduction that highlights the main philosophical directions for this emerging technology, in Blockchain Technology I explain the way the … Read More

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Heterotopia of the film Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovski

  Jonathon Rosenbaum notes that Tarkovsky’s Solaris, (Andrei Tarkovsky 1972) unlike Lem’s novel, (Lem 2012) is rather anti-science fiction than science fiction. (Rosenbaum 1990, 60) Rosenbaum suggests that while the film is denying our archetypal space travel, the main concern … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, The evolution of laws (2)

But, it will be said, could it not be that the application of the preceding process would lead to a contradiction, or, if one wishes, that our differential equations admit no solution? Since the hypothesis of the immutability of laws, … Read More

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Blockchain Ontologies: OCL and REA

Unified Modeling Language (UML) of Object Management Group, along with Object Constraint Language (OCL), (Purvis and Cranefield 1999) are considered by Joost de Kruijff and Hans Weigand as the best fit for blockchain ontology. (de Kruijff and Weigand 2017) OCL … Read More

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Blockchain Enterprise Ontologies: TOVE and DEMO

Enterprise ontology for blockchain transactions includes datalogical, infological and essential levels. OntoClean (Guarino 1998) developed by Nicola Guarino and Chris Welty (Guarino and Welty 2000) analyzes ontologies based on formal, domain-independent properties (metaproperties), being the first attempt to formalize the … Read More

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Epistemology of Intelligence Agencies

About the analogy between the epistemological and methodological aspects of the activity of intelligence agencies and some scientific disciplines, advocating for a more scientific approach to the process of collecting and analyzing information within the intelligence cycle. I assert that … Read More

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Lakatos on Dogmatic Falsificationism

Dogmatic (naturalist) falsificationism accepts the falsifiability of all scientific theories without qualification but preserves an infallible empirical basis. He is strictly empiric without being inductivist: he denies the fact that certainty of the empirical basis can be conveyed to theories. … Read More

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Analogy of intelligence with other disciplines

Science Intelligence analysis has many important epistemological resemblances with science (problem solving, discovery, skillful use of tools, knowledge verification) and is more interested in a posteriori than a priori knowledge, (Agrell and Treverton 2015) on how or the basis on … Read More

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