Proliferation of Post-Newtonian, Non-Relativistic Theories

Theoreticians have formulated a set of fundamental criteria that any theory of gravity should satisfy, two purely theoretical and two that are based on experimental evidence[1]. Thus, a theory must be: complete (capable of analyzing from the “first principles” the … Read More

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Causal Theory of Reference of Saul Kripke

Since the 1960s, Kripke has been a central figure in several fields related to mathematical logic, language philosophy, mathematical philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology and set theory. He had influential and original contributions to logic, especially modal logic, and analytical philosophy, with … Read More

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Heuristics of Newtonian Gravity

The classic example of a successful research program is Newton’s gravitational theory, probably the most successful Lakatosian research program. Initially, Newton’s gravitational theory faced a lot of “anomalies” (“counterexamples”) and contradicted the observational theories that supported these anomalies. But supporters … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Quanta hypothesis: Conclusions

We see what is the state of the question; the ancient theories, which hitherto seemed to account for all known phenomena, have encountered an unexpected obstacle. It seemed that a modification was necessary. A hypothesis was first presented in Mr. … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Quanta hypothesis: The ideas of Mr. Sommerfeld

Mr. Sommerfeld has proposed a theory which he wants to relate to that of Mr. Planck, although the only connection between them is that the letter h appears in both formulas, and that the same name of quantum of action … Read More

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