Game Preview

A guide for game preview and rules: history, definitions, classification, theory, video game consoles, cheating, links, etc. While many different subdivisions have been proposed, anthropologists classify games under three major headings, and have drawn some conclusions as to the social … Read More

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Milestones in the History of Intelligence – Oradea as a Nodal Centre on the Regional Geopolitical Axis in the Security Equation

The East European region has always created a space of interaction between the great powers of the Eastern and Western Europe of the different epochs in European history. Not just a contact and an interaction region between Europe, Asia and … Read More

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The Science of Climate Change

Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), The Science of Climate Change, MultiMedia, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25387.62247,   Abstract Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. Climate change science is a multidisciplinary field that studies the long-term patterns and … Read More

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A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self

We propose a novel paradigmatic approach to sentient reality as a whole, with specific application to Information-guided DNA dynamics, leading to a triadic genomic configuration , which accommodates besides the parental hereditar legacy, a transcendental originating highly complex guiding matrix able to control the specific way the protein-synthesis is performed. The Self’s own “Soul Genome”, transcending the zero point energy interdimensional barrier, couples to the zygote’s quantum-governed energetic configuration by way of resonant bands of subtle energy superposition effects at the instance of fertilization, triggered by a Zinc-spark related biophotonic bridge. Thus, unique secondary torsion parameters in the DNA strands determine the way the basic protein-generating template is read, supplying the new entity’s psycho-cognitive particularities along purposeful developmental vectors.

CUNOAȘTEREA ȘTIINȚIFICĂ, Volumul 1, Numărul 2, Decembrie 2022, pp. 71-80
ISSN 2821 – 8086, ISSN – L 2821 – 8086

A Scientifically Acceptable Mechanism for the Reincarnation Process of the Self

Poker World

Introduction in poker: online poker, rules, hands, strategy, cheating, casino, tournaments, poker jargon, equipment, gambling, resources. Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. It can be rough-hewn or polished, warm or cold, charitable … Read More

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