The Security Management System from the Perspective of the Global Energy Crisis and the Extended Black Sea Region Escalating Conflict

The contemporary security environment has increasingly unpredictable mutations and the international scene seems to be gripped by a conflict that threatens to erupt at any moment, becoming an open conflict, violent and able to spread quickly everywhere; although for decades … Read More

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Henri Bergson: Half-relativity – Michelson-Morley experiment (1)

The theory of relativity, even “restricted”, is not precisely based on the Michelson-Morley experiment, since it expresses, in a general way, the need to preserve the laws of electromagnetism in an invariable form when passing from one system of reference … Read More

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Henri Poincaré: Potential of an electric mass distributed on the surface of a sphere (2)

Suppose that we propose to find a function F which satisfies Laplace’s equation inside the sphere S and which, at the different points M of the surface of this sphere, take given values V°. The value of this function V … Read More

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The impact of DoS (Denial of Service) cyberattacks on a Local Area Network (LAN)

In this paper I will highlight a modus operandi of hackers launching Denial of Service (DoS) cyberattacks. I will theoretically show how CAM Overflow and TCP SYN Flood attacks can be performed, using Kali Linux, a Linux distribution used by cyber criminals to launch MitM (Man-in-the-Middle) attacks, DoS attacks, observing traffic in a computer network, etc. Hackers can affect the functioning of devices on an organization’s local network (server, router, switch, etc.) by sending thousands of packets per second to the target device. CAM Overflow is an attack where a hacker aims to overcrowd the CAM table of a switch with MAC addresses, and TCP SYN Flood is an attack that can be launched against a server in the computer network.

INTELLIGENCE INFO, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, Septembrie 2022, pp. 125-130
ISSN 2821 – 8159, ISSN – L 2821 – 8159, DOI: 10.58679/II52272

The impact of DoS (Denial of Service) cyberattacks on a Local Area Network (LAN)