Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and Nature

But the question can be asked from a completely different point of view. We have so far placed ourselves in a purely subjective, purely psychological or, if you will, physiological point of view; we have only considered the relations of … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and movements

It seems, therefore, that space cannot be constructed by considering sets of simultaneous sensations, which must be considered as sequences of sensations. Always go back to what I said before. Why do certain changes appear to us as changes of … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and senses

The question seems resolved; we seem to have only to apply this rule, either to the physical continuum, which is the coarse image of space, or to the corresponding mathematical continuum which is its refined image and which is the … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Continuum and cuts

But what is a continuum with n dimensions; how does it differ from a continuum whose number of dimensions is larger or smaller? First, let us recall some results recently obtained by the students of Cantor. It is possible to … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Analysis Situs (Topology)

Geometers usually distinguish two kinds of geometries, which they call the first of metric and the second of projective; metric geometry is based on the notion of distance; two figures are regarded as equivalent when they are “equal” in the … Read More

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Digital Assembly 2019 – Bucharest, Romania, June 13-14

The Digital Assembly 2019 is a forum for stakeholders to take stock of the achievements of the Digital Single Market Strategy, draw lessons and to exchange views on the contours of a future digital policy. The event is also a … Read More

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