Henri Poincaré, Quanta hypothesis: Thermodynamics and probability

Let us go back to the kinetic theory of gases; the gases are formed of molecules which circulate in all directions with great velocities; their trajectories would be rectilinear if from time to time they did not collide each other, … Read More

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Chinese Fables and Folk Stories (Fables et histoires populaire chinoises)

Bilingual English/French Book (Livre bilingue anglais/français) By (par) Mary Hayes Davis, Chow-Leung. Translator (Traducteur): Nicolae Sfetcu It requires much study of the Oriental mind to catch even brief glimpses of the secret of its mysterious charm. An open mind and … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, The logic of infinity: An overview

The antinomies to which certain logicians have been led come from the fact that they could not avoid certain vicious circles. It happened to them when they considered finite collections, but it happened to them much more often when they … Read More

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Romania targets at least one important mandate of European Commissioner

Romania is interested in one of the mandates of European Commissioners for regional policy, energy, transport and the environment. “We have not finished the regional policy mandate, so we could once again ask for this very important portfolio. So, I … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, The logic of infinity: The use of infinity

Is it possible to reason about objects that can notbe defined in a finite number of words? Is it even possible to talk about it knowing what one is talking about, and by saying something other than empty words? Or … Read More

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Global warming and gender equality are the priorities of Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (born Albrecht, on October 8, 1958) is a German politician and elected president of the European Commission. She was Germany’s Defense Minister from 2013 to 2019. Member of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), she … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, The logic of infinity: The memory of Mr. Zermelo

It is in a totally different direction that Mr. Zermelo is seeking the solution of the difficulties we have pointed out. He tries to establish a system of axioms a priori, which must allow him to establish all the mathematical … Read More

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