Milestones in the History of Intelligence – Oradea as a Nodal Centre on the Regional Geopolitical Axis in the Security Equation

The East European region has always created a space of interaction between the great powers of the Eastern and Western Europe of the different epochs in European history. Not just a contact and an interaction region between Europe, Asia and … Read More

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Romania and the United States of America – Past, Present and Future

by Alexandru Cristian This book is an anthology of essays dedicated to the relations between the two states, as well as to analyses regarding the evolution of the United States of America – a hegemonic power having many competitors among … Read More

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Romania’s National Nuclear Program for Heavy Water

Sfetcu, Nicolae. (2022) “Romania’s National Nuclear Program for Heavy Water”, in Telework, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31449.39526,   Abstract After the Second World War, Romania felt the need to develop its own energy system, of much greater power, and as independent as … Read More

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Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federation – Call for proposals (CEF-DIG-2021-CLOUD)

End users’ tight budgetary constraints, the growing awareness of cloud impact on climate change, the relatively low cloud uptake among both the public and private sectors (18%)3, and the need to enable the free flow of data across the EU … Read More

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